Welcome to Grow the Flow! It has been really encouraging to see the level and diversity of support for Great Salt Lake. It is clear to me that people from all walks of life see this as a question of legacy, values, and life. I hope that you feel welcome here, because you are genuinely needed. Please share your thoughts and feedback at any time through email (info@growtheflowutah.org).

Here are a few ways that you could get involved:

Public Event Calendar
On the Get Involved page of our website, there is a calendar where we continually add Great Salt Lake related events that are happening around the watershed. These include both ones we are hosting as well as from other groups. If you know of an event that isn’t yet listed, let us know. If you are looking for a way to make a difference, show up at some of the events.

Social Media
Like most people, we have a love-hate relationship with social media. However, this is perhaps the biggest challenge our community has ever faces, and we need to use every tool at our disposal. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter! If you are good at social and want to take over or develop a platform, let us know! Beyond the logistics of events and news, we’re planning on highlighting specific stories from professionals, experts, and community members about their experiences with Great Salt Lake, and more. We’d also love to start a forum where the Grow the Flow community can converse more easily. If any of you have experience with Facebook groups or other platforms, let us know.

There is nothing more exciting and dramatic than a newsletter, right? We are hoping to make this the case with an action-oriented communication every other week or so. The legislative session is coming up (see the next point), and we need to get organized.

Civic Engagement
We want to remake the political landscape so our lawmakers are rewarded and supported for helpful steps. We need good policy that prioritizes the health of the lake, and by extension, the health of our communities. We will be planning district-by-district town halls where constituents can meet face to face with their representatives at local, state, and federal levels. If you want to be a district leader, let us know, and we’ll add you to the team! If you don’t have any experience at all, don’t worry! We’ll work together on this.

Invite Others
The only way we are going to hit our goal of growing to 100,000 members is by word of mouth. Now that you are plugged in, will you invite a friend, family member, or frenemy to learn about the lake and get involved too? We are all in the same watershed, and we need to be rowing in the same direction.

Thank you for your solidarity and faith in this time of great environmental risk.