Write to your Legislators
Writing a letter or an email to your legislators is the simplest form of legislative outreach. Our step-by-step guide will help you take action today!

Step 1: Find Your Representatives
You can write to your House or Senate representatives—we recommend reaching out to both. As a constituent, your voice carries weight in their decision-making. Remember, they represent YOU!
Step 2: Brief Background Research
Click on your legislator’s name and photo to access their contact info, committee assignments, recent actions, and biography. Take note of shared interests or past actions you can thank them for in your letter; if nothing stands out, a simple thank-you for their public service is always appreciated.
Step 3: Determine Your Ask
If the Legislature is in session (January-February), feel free to mention one or two priority bills that Grow the Flow and our partners have identified: [LINK TO BLOG POST]
If you are writing outside of the session, here are some potential asks: .
- A general request for them to prioritize the lake
- A general request for them to prioritize funding lake-saving efforts
- A specific request to set up a meeting with you and/or a group to talk further
- A specific request for their attendance at an upcoming lake event or town hall
Step 4: Write Your Letter
A strong letter includes:
- A greeting: (Dear Representative/Senator _______)
- A brief thank-you
- A short introduction: share that you’re a constituent, why the lake matters to you, and why you’re reaching out
- Your ask: Clearly and briefly state what action you’d like them to take
- A sign-off (Sincerely, ______)
If you are sending an email, include the word “CONSTITUENT” in the subject line to increase the chances of it being read.
Step 5: Send it!
That’s it! Write your letter and mail it—include your name and full address with zip code, email, and phone number so they can respond. If you are sending an email, it’s more likely that your representative might respond and ask you for further resources or efforts—feel free to meet with us one-on-one if you need more guidance!
If you are interested in hosting a letter writing event with your local community, book a one-on-one with our outreach coordinator and we’ll help you get started.