With Christmas around the corner, there’s a lot of great ways to serve the people around us. At Grow the Flow, we feel that a great way to serve our community is to prevent an environmental disaster by protecting Great Salt Lake! We compiled a list of possible ideas and wanted to share them with you.


  • Invite someone new to get involved with helping Great Salt Lake
  • Donate to an organization working to save Great Salt Lake
  • Write to your elected officials about Great Salt Lake 
  • Express gratitude for the lake in prayer and/or conversation
  • Make art about the lake and post it on social media
  • Turn off sprinklers
  • Contact local churches or other organizations about decreasing turf in public/shared spaces
  • Attend a Great Salt Lake related event

If you have other ideas for helping Great Salt Lake this Christmas season, feel free to reach out to info@growtheflowutah.org and we’ll add them to this list.