Air Pollution and Great Salt Lake

Air Pollution and Great Salt Lake

There are a lot of things that Utah is known for. From strange alcohol laws, to its highly religious population, Utah stands out in many ways. One of the most concerning things that Utah is known for, however, is its air pollution. Up until this point, most of that...
Secret Santa for Great Salt Lake

Secret Santa for Great Salt Lake

With Christmas around the corner, there’s a lot of great ways to serve the people around us. At Grow the Flow, we feel that a great way to serve our community is to prevent an environmental disaster by protecting Great Salt Lake! We compiled a list of possible ideas...
Summary of the Water Policy Accelerator

Summary of the Water Policy Accelerator

Photo by Unma Desai on Unsplash   One of the key components of Grow the Flow is the creation of the Water Policy Accelerator. This is a team of environmental lawyers and policy experts who are working on drafting legislation to conserve and shepherd water to...